How To Buy A Mastectomy Bra
Looking for a bra to wear after a mastectomy can feel overwhelming, confusing, and even a bit scary. But not to worry, we are here to help guide you. Founder & Survivor, Dana Donofree, created AnaOno after facing all these fears herself. When she was diagnosed with breast cancer as a young woman in her 20’s, she searched everywhere on how to buy a mastectomy bra. She looked for mastectomy bras on google, she searched for mastectomy bras on ebay, and even looked for a mastectomy bra on amazon, only to find disappointment after disappointment. Many mastectomy bras were plain, matronly, and bad polyester quality; none of which she desired after her breast cancer diagnosis. Learning to love your body after a mastectomy surgery, with or without reconstruction can feel overwhelming. The scars, the pain, the discomfort, all of these challenges arise when looking to buy a mastectomy bra, and that is why, we here at AnaOno, want to make sure it is as easy as it can be to find your own beauty and comfort after a breast surgery.

Find A Mastectomy Boutique Near Me
Finding a store that carries mastectomy bras is part of the battle. Many traditional department stores may have bras that fit, but are not mastectomy bras. You want to find a lingerie store that specializes in mastectomy bras and breast forms. This has two benefits, one you can meet with a certified mastectomy fitter to ensure you get all the proper attention and care you deserve, but also that you can learn about what else you may need to recover from a mastectomy surgery, or even use your health benefits to help to cover the costs. You can find all the stores that carry AnaOno collections in our store finder page. Be sure to call in advance to book an appointment so you can have all the time and attention you may need during your visit.

Does Health Insurance Cover Mastectomy Bras?
Yes, thanks to the Women’s Rights Act, breast forms, prosthetics, and mastectomy bras are covered by your health insurance, but there may be limitations. Most health insurance companies will cover between 4-6 bras annually. That’s right, you could be eligible to receive up to 6 bras covered by your insurance EVERY SINGLE YEAR after your mastectomy. If you are looking for a prosthetic breast form, these are forms that mimic the shape, size, and weight of a natural breast, that are best suited to insert into the pocket of a mastectomy bra, you could be eligible to have 1-2 forms covered every 2 years following your mastectomy. Breast forms are not a must have, but a nice to have, especially for special occasions where you may find yourself in a dress or blouse that you used to love, but want to fill in any extra space in the top area. Health benefits can have limitations, such as co-pays and deductibles. Like any other prescribed product, you may have small out-of-pocket costs, but should be manageable in comparison to full price mastectomy bras. Want to learn more about how to get your mastectomy bra with your health insurance, read our FAQ page here.
I Can’t Afford To Buy A Mastectomy Bra
Cancer is expensive, we know this. At AnaOno, we have several free mastectomy bra programs for newly diagnosed breast cancer patients, and breast cancer patients in financial need. You can apply to receive a free breast cancer bra powered by Natrelle® if you have been diagnosed in the last 12 months, or apply to receive a sponsored breast cancer bra if you are in financial need powered by Pink Warrior Advocates. Both of these programs are designed to help ease the financial pain caused by cancer on so many families. Also, remember, your mastectomy bras are covered by insurance, even Medicare plans will cover, check your benefits by providing your insurance information here.

Where To Buy Mastectomy Bra Inserts
Mastectomy bras are pocketed to hold breast forms, prosthetics, balance forms, and bra inserts. These pockets are designed to house forms that mimic the shape, size, and weight of the missing breast or missing breasts. Using mastectomy bra inserts is a choice, a fashion statement, an accessory and are not required if not desired. We love to support all chests in our mastectomy bra collections. We recommend to visit a certified mastectomy boutique to get fitted for a breast form that is right for you. You can also use F(oo)Bs® for a quick, easy, and lightweight option to breast forms and prosthetics.
How To Buy Mastectomy Bras On Amazon
Although Amazon is great for many things, mastectomy bra shopping on Amazon may be difficult. Be sure you are looking at mastectomy bra brands that cater to breast cancer patients and survivors. Many mastectomy bras can be poorly made and not give you the support and comfort you deserve. Buying mastectomy bras in boutiques where you can use your health insurance benefits or even your FSA may be more beneficial in the long run. Learn more about mastectomy bra and prosthesis coverage in our FAQ page on mastectomy bra benefits.

Where To Purchase A Mastectomy Bra
You can find AnaOno mastectomy and breast cancer bras on our store locator page. Shopping in mastectomy bra boutiques is always ideal as you can try on and find your new fit after a mastectomy surgery. Looking for a mastectomy bra for a unilateral mastectomy can be tricky and trying on different styles will help you find where you are most comfortable after your mastectomy surgery. A bilateral mastectomy may want to wear a bra that lays flat against your chest or has pocket bra options for breast forms, pads, and prosthetics. You can shop flat mastectomy bras at AnaOno and pocketed mastectomy bras for breast forms here.
What Stores Sell Mastectomy Bras
Many durable medical equipment stores (DME) and specialty lingerie stores will carry mastectomy bras catered to your needs. You can find all mastectomy boutiques that offer AnaOno bras HERE. From mastectomy bra shops near me based on your location, and mastectomy bras stores near me by city.