The (re)Issue

How Long Do I need to Wear my Surgical Bra? How Long Do I need to Wear my Surgical Bra?

A surgical bra, or mastectomy bra, is a specialized garment that provides the wearer with a variety of benefits that are crucial for recovering after a mastectomy. It not only provides the comfort and support that will be required after surgery, but its unique design allows it to help reduce swelling and promote proper healing. 

What Is Capsular Contracture? What Is Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture is a condition that occurs when the body forms an excessive amount of scar tissue around a breast implant. This scar tissue, also known as the "capsule," is a natural part of the healing process. Under normal circumstances, the capsule is soft and pliable, holding the implant securely in place. 

National Mammography Day National Mammography Day
National Mammography Day is dedicated to raising awareness about the significance of mammograms as a vital tool in the early detection of breast cancer. Established by the American College of Radiology and the National Cancer Institute, this observance encourages women to prioritize their breast health by scheduling regular screenings.
World Dense Breast Day World Dense Breast Day
With September 25th being World Dense Breast Day, there’s no better time to discuss what it means to have “dense breast tissue.” Dense breast tissues refers to the amount of fibrous and glandular tissue in comparison to fatty tissue as seen on a mammogram. If a woman has more glandular and fibrous tissue and less fatty tissue, then she is said to have dense breasts.
Sex After Breast Cancer Sex After Breast Cancer
At AnaOno, our goal is to help you feel sexy, confident and comfortable as you embrace your survivor, thriver or previvor status. For some of us, sex isn't what it was before cancer, especially not right after receiving radiation treatment or having surgery. 
Who Is Plant Juice Oils? Who Is Plant Juice Oils?
Plant Juice Oils was founded in 2017 by Amber Laign and Marci Freede. Plant Juice Oils provides natural, effective solutions for women's health.Amber and Marci met at a NYC dog park and quickly bonded over their shared passion for essential oils, the brand has a unique and inspiring origin story.