Meet Candace Crowe
Meet Candace Crowe

Meet Candace Crowe

Dana Donofree
2 min read

Dana Donofree, Founder and CEO of AnaOno Intimates was featured on the "The Crowes Nest Podcast - Episode 3!" where she spoke about battling and triumphing over breast cancer - AnaOno forever changed the lives of people worldwide by sharing her mission of beauty, confidence, and boob-inclusion. 

In this inspiring conversation, you will learn: 

How a 27-year-old fashion designer harnessed resilience, innovation, and drive to create a revolutionary clothing line dedicated to post-breast surgery women. 

The profound impact a thoughtfully designed product can have on the lives of breast cancer survivors. 

How giving back and creating sisterhood is tantamount to AnaOno’s mission and serves as the heartbeat of the company. 

Who is Candace Crowe? 

Candace Crowe is an expert in marketing for medical aesthetic practices, who has faced breast cancer with remarkable strength and positivity. After her diagnosis, she struggled with the idea of chemotherapy, viewing it as a poison to her body. Throughout her treatment, Candace has remained active, continuing to work with the support of her staff and her son, TK. Her journey has been supported by a strong community of friends and family, including participating in the Run 4 Love 4-mile road race with her supportive network, which she calls Team Candee Strong. 


Reframing Chemo as Chemosabi: 

The first rounds of chemotherapy were tough, both physically and mentally. After a severe bout of dehydration landed her in the ER, Candace realized she needed a new perspective. Inspired by the story of The Lone Ranger, she began calling her chemo treatments “Chemosabi,” viewing them as her faithful ally against cancer and in her words is “nibbling up all of those cancer cells, giving me a healthier body.” This mental shift helped her view the treatment more positively, as something helping her heal rather than just poison. 

Support from Her Community: 

Despite her illness, Candace has continued to work and stay active. She credits her team at work, her family, and her friends for their unwavering support. Her son, TK, has been especially helpful, taking on more responsibilities so she can focus on her health. This journey has deepened her appreciation for life and the small joys it brings. 

Celebrating Small Victories: 

One special moment was participating in the Run 4 Love 4-mile road race with her supportive community. Running alongside a five-year-old girl named Madison, Candace felt the pure joy of life. This event reminded her that she would eventually return to all the activities she loves, and that recovery is about appreciating each small victory. 


Looking Forward: 

Candace’s journey is ongoing, but she faces the future with optimism. She is gradually resuming her favorite activities and preparing to reconnect with her professional community at upcoming conferences. Her story is a testament to the power of a positive mindset, the importance of community support, and inner strength. 


Candace’s story, combined with Dana’s mission, showcases the strength, resilience, and support that define the breast cancer community. Together, they inspire many to face their challenges with courage and hope.

Dana Donofree
Dana Donofree

Founder and CEO of AnaOno. After a diagnosis of breast cancer in her late 20’s, Dana took her own lived experience and fashion design background and (re)designed intimates for those that have undergone breast surgery. Dana’s story has been published around the world in outlets like New York Times, BBC, Huffington Post, The Today Show, and more.