Meet community member Carrie! You might recognize Carrie from our website! Carrie modeled for us for our recent molded bra shoot but she been a part of the AnaOno community for some time now! Read along to hear all about Carries breast cancer story, her Never Alone experience and much more!

What was your diagnosis?
"On August 7, 2013 at age 36, I was diagnosed with Stage 1, Triple Negative IDC (Invasive Ductal Carcinoma)."
Tell us a bit about your current stage of diagnosis.
What and when was your treatment/surgery?
"Double mastectomy with DIEP Flap reconstruction, September 2013; Chemotherapy (TC: Taxotere + Cytoxin) beginning December 2013; Due to being BRCA1 + underwent bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy - removal of ovaries and Fallopian tubes, December 2015."
What's your passion?
"To be the best version of myself and help others do the same. To make the most positive significant impact on others."
What makes you happiest?
"Making others feel seen and heard. Establishing and maintaining truly heartfelt connections with family and friends. And hugs! (and chocolate chip cookies and puppies)."
What do you do to feel confident and embrace your body?
"Incorporate movement into every day -- anything from walking, running, dancing, or strength training. Catching a glimpse of my scars; knowing what I have been through; knowing what I am capable of; I am very proud of my body and how far we have come together."
What does "Never Alone" mean to you?
"Being part of a community with strong, confident, and beautiful people who lift one another up and show up without question."

Which is your favorite AnaOno bra? Why?
"I love the (new) Trish! It makes me feel incredibly supported and comfortable. I am a big fan of the molded bra and full coverage. With little sensation, having the trust and confidence that everything is covered helps put my mind at ease and makes me feel great!"
If you were to give advice to someone diagnosed with breast cancer or having a preventative surgery, what would you say?
"YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Keep moving FORWARD, baby steps are still steps.
YOU are your best advocate and you know your body better than anyone. Your diagnosis is a PART of who you are but it does not define who you are."
Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
"I am a twin!"
What's your guilty pleasure?
"Chocolate Chip cookies (or brownies)...baked goods are my kryptonite."