Meet Nakisha, AnaOno community member who shared her story about getting a lumpectomy, then undergoing a double mastectomy and now remaining flat after undergoing radiation
Meet Nakisha

Meet Nakisha

Dana Donofree
1 min read

Meet community member and model, Nakisha! Nakisha modeled for us in our April 2024 shoot and has been a part of the AnaOno community for some time now!  

Read along to hear everything about Nakisha’s breast cancer story and more!   

What was your experience like when you were first diagnosed with breast cancer? 

“Overwhelming, upsetting, moved so quickly into a game plan and started the battle.” 

Tell us a summary of your surgical journey: 

“Double mastectomy to flat closure then radiation.” 

Meet Nakisha, an inspiring mother who underwent a double mastectomy to flat closure and followed up with radiation

What is something that you would like others to know about recovery? 

“That it seems like you will never get better and out of the difficult times, but it will happen!” 

If there was one thing you would like the community to take away from your story, what would it be? 

“I am a young survivor and mother of 2 young children. I was always healthy. Cancer doesn’t discriminate but I fought the fight and am here to tell my story!” 

Has your relationship with your body changed? If so, how? 

“Learned to accept my new body and love it as a symbol of what I’ve survived!” 

Nakisha's inspirational quote- "I've learned to accept and love my body for al that I've survived" surviving cancer has made her love and appreciate herself and body much more than before

If you could describe AnaOno in one word, what would it be? 

" Beautiful!" 

What did it mean to you to participate in our photoshoot? 

" Made me feel so special and overjoyed that I could share my body type with others and let other survivors know they have options! " 


Dana Donofree
Dana Donofree

Founder and CEO of AnaOno. After a diagnosis of breast cancer in her late 20’s, Dana took her own lived experience and fashion design background and (re)designed intimates for those that have undergone breast surgery. Dana’s story has been published around the world in outlets like New York Times, BBC, Huffington Post, The Today Show, and more.