The (re)Issue
One of the biggest questions a lot of us face from being diagnosed with breast and undergoing mastectomy surgery, especially during this waiting period is, “What will my boobs look like?” And, “What bras are going to work for me?” Or, the dreaded, “Will I even be able to wear pretty bras again!?” The answer is YES...
We know how scary and overwhelming the preparation for your breast cancer surgery is, and we are always here to help you, and to give you a few tips we have picked up along the way. Read along for support and advice from the open-hearted, generous members of the AnaOno Community, and from breast cancer previvors, survivors and thrivers who’ve been through it too.
For the family, friends, and other loved ones who surround and support those who are diagnosed with breast cancer, it can be difficult to decide precisely what to say or do. Gifting a meaningful piece of jewelry may be just the right token to show that you’re thinking of your loved one while they undergo treatment. Read on for our picks!
Your best friend just told you over a sizeable bottle of wine that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer, and your whole world stopped. We know the first thing you’re probably wondering is: “What can I do for her?” Chances are, she’s still processing the news of all of this herself, and she may not know what will help her yet either. But here’s the upside: you found this article, and at AnaOno, we can help you through it, as you help your friend through it.